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  • Whole or half day visits by two musicians delivering workshops for KS1, KS2 and KS3) students.
  • Workshops are usually divided into three sections:
    1. A short background addressing Latin American and pre-Columbian cultures, mainly the Incas and the Aztecs, as well as environmental issues, such as the Amazon rainforest.
    2. Work with Andean percussion instruments.
    3. Andean melodic instruments, including panpipes and bamboo flutes.
  • A short presentation to the whole school can also be arranged, involving some pupils.
  • We will send detailed information about each Key Stage workshops upon request.
  • Visits can also involve dance workshops, music theatre projects and instrumental or vocal ensembles.
  • We can provide references.
  • Our workshops and projects have an emphasis on participation and 'hands-on' experience.
Caliche Music and Dance
Caliche Music and Dance